In the past months, I've been trying to name this "community" we are called to reach with terms like "unchurched" or "overchurched", but it just seemed too out of reach for people in our congregation to grasp. Not because they didn't understand what those terms meant, but perhaps because the terminology just didn't grip their hearts and compel them toward a sense of agreement. But the minute I started talking to individuals in our church, asking them to answer the question, almost all of them said, "our church is best prepared to reach families".
So, I think during this long somewhat reflective blog-pause, I've come to accept that God has called New Life Center to touch families with the power of the Gospel. This, to me, is more than just a generality. Because for us to embrace this as our vision as a church means that we will need to organize around it. Anyone can say they want to reach families. But churches that are actually doing it have intentionally planned, organized, and implemented around that focus.
So, here's the question of the day. If our church were to take this vision to reach and minister to families within our church and within the larger region seriously, what kinds of needs would we have to address? What kinds of ministries/programs would need to be improved, created, and sustained? What kinds of events would we need to plan? How would our services need to change? How would our focus on families impact how we renovate our facility?
I don't expect you to answer all of these questions...welcome to the inside of my head. Take a moment if you have it, and swim around. Your thoughts, feedback, questions, and opinions are welcome.