For the past year and a half or so, I’ve been in middle of a very personal, very difficult time of transition. To say the least, God was messing with my own interior, shaking things up on the surface so He could deal with the deeper parts of me that needed His merciful touch. In the process, I found myself questioning my calling, questioning my “qualifications”, questioning whether I am really supposed to be pastoring at all. At one particularly dark period in this transition time, there was not a week that went by when I didn’t seriously consider the “other things” I could possibly do instead of pastor a church.
Over time, the cloudiness began to clear, I found that the transforming work God was working in me as a person was beginning to open me up to changes I needed to make in the way I pastor our congregation. And it all came down to vision. As I became clear on my own personal calling (vision) from God, I began to ask God what the vision for our congregation should be for the next three to five years…only to meet with more silence.
The only thing that really captured by thinking at that time…the only thing that I couldn’t get my mind off of when it came to thinking about the future of our church was the possibility of breaking the attendance plateau I knew we were in. I know that sounds somewhat one-dimensional and purely numbers focused. But hear me out.
During that season of soul searching, I settled upon some essential convictions when it came to the future of our church. The first one was pretty significant for me, and that is, in order for us to grow to our potential, I must live out my pastorate in a way that is true to how God has made me (gifting, personality, talent, motivations, interests, etc.). That of course brings me right up against the areas of my weakness.
So the second conviction I developed was that I need people to lead in the areas where I am weak. That was huge for me. Because I had been spending too much energy trying to strengthen my weak areas (administration is one of them). What I needed to do was admit I was weak, and pray, seek, and release leaders who can cover those weak spots.
Thirdly, I settled upon the reality that the vision for our church, whatever that was, did not rest only in my own heart and mind. I did not have all the pieces to the vision. God has placed the pieces to the vision in the hearts and minds of a certain individuals within the larger congregation. I’ll call these people the “vision community”.
The vision community is made up of the people in our church who are thankful for all that God has done to get us to this point, but who also believe that there is more God wants to do through us as a church in forming more devoted followers of Jesus, in playing a significant part in the transformation of individuals, families, neighborhoods, and yes, even cities. The vision community loves our congregation too much to watch it get comfortable and grow complacent. And they are willing and ready to move with any of the changes necessary to become the kind of church God has intended for us to be.
The vision community will not settle for anything less than what God intends for our church. The vision community will ask the hard questions, and then point the first finger at themselves, and begin to model the kind of changes first in themselves that they want to see in the congregation. The vision community is a people full of passion for Christ, and a love for the people for whom Christ died. They are not only a future-oriented group that is willing to step out in faith, they are also an intercessory group that prays for the spiritual renewal of God’s people. They are people who are willing to work hard, and work smart, to learn humbly, and give generously…to sacrifice the right things in order to see the vision become reality.
Wow that’s a mouthful. So let me start this new series of blogs with a new invitation. To all of you that consider New Life Center your church home, or would wish to make it such, will you consider becoming a part of this vision community? If so, don’t raise your hand, I can’t see it. But you can show your support by responding to these blogs. For now is the time to engage in a conversation together. I need you. We need each other. We need the Spirit of God, his wisdom, his favor, his touch. There is too much at stake to not envision together what God is calling us to do as a church. There is too much at stake to not decide upon the changes that need to be made to become the best version of ourselves as a church. So, will you join me in this conversation? Let’s talk about what it is going to take for us to grow deeper, stronger, and larger as a church.
So, before we start talking about “barriers” and “obstacles” to our future, let’s start by celebrating our past. Here’s the first question, going out to the vision community:
What good, redemptive, providential, and perhaps even miraculous things has God done in our history as church to get us to the place we are now? Let’s tell some of the stories of how God has used our church to change lives, grow stronger disciples, serve the needs of others, and bring people to salvation.
(I understand that some of you may be quite new to our church. If so, what kinds of things drew you to the church and made you want to stick around?)
Our presence, although minimal as of late, in the community has been huge in getting us to where we are now. Whether by means of the Laundry Love Project to our annual gift wrapping at Big Kmart, we've been able to make a slight dent in our surrounding neighborhoods. Time and time again, when I'm in the neighborhoods, people identify us as that church with the red sign.
They make the connection and our presence is known.
And not just for the sake of being known. We're known as agents of change or, at least, the willingness to help in that change.
So, it goes without saying, really, that what we do in the community is huge. Now, we just need to take our community involvement to the next level.
Ken - I appreciate your openness and willingness to expose yourself in such a public way. I admire that. Although I am not a long time attendee of New Life, I am a long time part of the "family". I will say this, the idea of community is essential to the life of any church - but community can mean a great deal of things (that is why I believe that Christ gave us the commandment to go to Judea, Sumaria and the ends of the Earth).
The idea of community flows through common bonds between people - whether those bonds are spiritual, physical, or situational.
What draws me, and my family, to New Life now is the desire we see in the church to explore all facets of community.
I am glad to once again be part of that journey with you!
Derrick, yes, I do also sense that Laundry Love is an amazing gift of grace to us as a church, as a small but deep way for us to love our neighbors. May the Lord continue to raise our evangelistic awareness and our passion for demonstrating his love in practical ways as a church. Thanks for your persistence and faithfulness in leading this charge!
Nathan, it is a real joy to have you and your family with us in this new season of our church life. I know God will use you in some incredible ways to help us "shift" the culture of our church so that we might not only experience greater community, but reach a larger segment of the community. luv you man!
I think other vital areas of the church where I see God working are:
*Prayer Ministry - all you have to do is make one call and there's a team of warriors ready to pray for you.
*Small groups - God has been able to create safe a place for our "family" to open up to one another, build bonds within the diversity of our community, and make a place of accountability.
*Worship/Arts - people are using their God-given talents to minister to others.
I think these are such a success because the church empowers those to seek and use their gifts to serve Christ.
I too love what God has done in those very areas you mentioned. My perfectionism often makes me anxious that they are not done as "excellently" as I would like, but that's my issue. Thanks for reminding us of these good things God is up to.
I have only been a part of this church for a little over one year, but I went from seeing little involvement with the youth to immense immersion. I have fallen in love with the smiles and the passion that this church holds. I may not be the one immersed in activities, but I have been watching so many people grow stronger in their relationships and truly begin to change the way they do things.
God Bless this amazing Church
Thanks for your encouraging comments, KJ! I too love the positive "vibe" I sense with the direction and momentum of the youth ministry. Just watch, if the youth catch fire, it can really be contagious! May it happen, Lord!
It's been an incredible spiritual journey since I began attending NLC since the beginning in 05. My family is happy with what you've done in leading the flock at this Church. Be encouraged and remain faithful to Gods calling in your life. You are an amazing Pastor, hands down!
Our devine appointment was from and of God the first time we met at the rec. center.
I am with you and I pray to God that he uses me any which way he wants to, to expand his Kingdom here in HC or Mexico.
I enjoy the opportunities that you given us in starting ministries. Your leadership and mentoring gifts has guided me in the right direction.
The Love for the Lord has grown even more these past two years inspite the tuff circumstances in my life and the bad choices I made. Due in Gods timing God will deliver me and give me favor.
I've learned and grown a lot this past three 1/2 years.
I can sense our congragation lacking passion and fire for God. For what ever reason it seems that most are complacent and seem to comfortable.
I believe we as a Church should come to the alter more often to get filled by the spirit! Many times this is what I've done to be refueled and recharged.
As servents of God lets continue to love on people and pray about evangelising more out in the community.
This is all for now but I believe I have more to say.
Peace and Blessing.
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